When are enjoying yourself with your friends either at barbecue or pool side party, you might want to indulge in drinking alcohol. But when you drink it in moderation, it is fine but after a certain limit, it might cause side effects for your overall body especially your teeth.
Hence when you go ahead with this option, you should know the effects of alcohol on your teeth so you can prevent your urge of drinking too much of the alcoholic beverage. It might be perfectly fine to drink it in moderation but you should not go overboard while drinking because it can be extremely detrimental for your health.
While it is very dangerous for your liver, brain and blood sugar level, this drink can also cause a lot of damage to your mouth including your teeth, mouth tissues and gums. Moreover, excessive drinking can be very harmful for your oral health because it can lead to gum diseases, cavities and periodontal diseases.
The most common and prevalent effects of alcohol on your teeth is that it can dry out your mouth causing bad breath and it also increases the chances of cavities formation. Moreover, it also eliminates the production of saliva that is known to keep your teeth moist and it also helps in removing the bacteria and plaque from the surface of the tooth.
This is the reason why alcoholic beverages should be avoided because it has negative impact on your dental health and teeth. Liquor, beer and mixed drinks are known to have higher acidity level and sugar content that helps to break down teeth enamel. This eventually increases the risks of periodontal diseases, cavities and long term tooth decay can be prevented.
It also accelerates the decaying process of the teeth and you might suffer from great pain, tooth decay and dental abscess. Therefore, it is important that you avoid drinking alcoholic beverages so that you will not have to suffer from adverse effects. Additionally, drinking in excess also increases the chances of oral cancer because heavy drinkers are more prone to getting cancer than the others.
Along with the effects on your health, alcoholic drinks are also known to stain your teeth which might make it look unappealing and you will avoid smiling in public due to your dental problem. Even when you are maintaining good dental health and practicing oral hygiene, you might face the risks of getting these serious dental problems only because you are a heavy drinker.
The acidity level of alcohol can discolor your teeth and it might also affect the enamel adversely because it traps the color of the beverage on the teeth. This is the reason you should intake a large amount of these alcoholic beverage as it will make your teeth look unappealing.
Alcohol consumption is also known to cause a large number of oral diseases while increasing the risk of tooth decay, periodontal disease and oral cancer in extreme cases. It is also known to damage the teeth enamel that takes a lot of time to repair and hence you should make sure that you avoid drinking it in excess so that you will not have to suffer from its side effects.
Drinking is also linked to formation of plaques and hence your teeth will get more prone to getting damaged which can eventually lead to tooth decay. The saliva flow is also reduced considerably due to the drinking of these beverages and it can cause tooth decay and tooth loss. If you are suffering from dry mouth, your teeth will be prone to getting higher level of erosion and tooth decay.
Therefore, it is important that you prevent drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages so that the risk of oral cancer will be reduced considerably. It is the best way of reducing the risk of dental problems as well as damage that are caused from a lot of drinking that will lead to extreme side effects in the long run.
You will be able to minimize the risk of mouth disease and serious tooth decay so that you don’t lose your valuable permanent teeth in the process. The acidic content in these drinks will also eat away the tooth enamel and hence you should make efforts for reducing alcohol abuse.